Privacy Notice

Revised May 2024



Your Privacy Is Protected

Your Privacy Is Important to Us: We value the trust you have placed in us by choosing CIBC Caribbean as your financial services provider. At CIBC Caribbean, keeping your personal information in confidence is a cornerstone of our business and an integral part of our commitment to service excellence. To help us meet this commitment to you, CIBC Caribbean’s Head of Privacy & Data Protection is responsible for overseeing CIBC Caribbean’s privacy practices and this Privacy Notice.

Your Privacy Is Important: We encourage you to read this Privacy Notice so that you can understand how we collect, use, share and protect your personal information. To help you understand our Privacy Notice, here are some important terms that you should know:

  • “CIBC Caribbean”, “we”, “our”, “us” or the “CIBC Caribbean Group” means collectively CIBC Caribbean Bank Limited, and its affiliates that offer deposits, loans, investment products, asset management, securities trading, insurance, trust services, credit and debit cards, mortgages and other products or services in the Territories. When we make reference to sharing information within the CIBC Caribbean Group it means sharing by one or more members of the CIBC Caribbean Group to some or all of the others in the CIBC Caribbean Group. We also share information with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (“CIBC”) pursuant to legal and regulatory obligations.
  • “personal information” or “information” means any data about an identifiable Individual in any form including, without limitation, paper, electronic, audio, and visual recording which on its own or combined with other personal information can be used to identify an individual.
  • “program partners” means companies we have carefully selected to provide benefits, products or services under, or to participate in, a CIBC Caribbean partner program.
  • “CIBC Caribbean partner program” means a program under which CIBC Caribbean clients are entitled to receive specified benefits, products or services that are provided by, or in participation with, our program partners, for example, affinity reward or loyalty programs, travel or credit insurance, purchase or credit protection programs and retailer offers.
  • “permitted or required by law” or “legal and regulatory obligations” means actions that we are permitted or required to do under any laws or regulations, or any rules, codes, guidelines, expectations, or requests of any applicable regulator or self-regulatory organization.
  • “Territories” or “Territory” means the jurisdiction(s) where the products and/or services may be legally offered by CIBC Caribbean. We are licensed to conduct business in Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Jamaica, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Maarten, Trinidad & Tobago, and the Turks & Caicos Islands.
  • “You or “Your” means the client of CIBC Caribbean.



About This Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice is consistent with our Privacy & Security Statement, our Terms of Use and the terms of your agreements with us. This Notice applies to the collection, use or sharing of any personal information collected by CIBC Caribbean in the course of conducting its business. By providing us with information, you are consenting to the terms of our Privacy Notice.

Our Privacy Promises

CIBC Caribbean respects the following when collecting, using or sharing your personal information:

a) Accountability

CIBC Caribbean is responsible for personal information under our control. There are designated individuals within CIBC Caribbean who are accountable for compliance with these privacy principles.

b) Obtaining Consent

CIBC Caribbean obtains your consent before sharing personal information, except where otherwise permitted or required by law.

c) Collection, Use and Sharing of Your Personal Information

CIBC Caribbean collects personal information only by fair and lawful means. CIBC Caribbean does not use or share your personal information for purposes other than those for which it was collected except with your consent or where permitted or required by law. CIBC Caribbean retains personal information only as long as necessary for these purposes.

d) Keeping Your Information Accurate and Providing Access to Your Information

CIBC Caribbean takes care to keep personal information as accurate, complete and up-to-date as is necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used. Upon request, CIBC Caribbean will provide you with your personal information so that you can ensure that your information is accurate and complete, and can be updated, if appropriate.

e) Protecting Your Personal Information

CIBC Caribbean protects the privacy of personal information through robust security measures appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.

f) Addressing Your Concerns

You may contact us if you have questions or concerns about your confidentiality and privacy.

This Privacy Notice and our other privacy related documents will be updated from time to time, as may be necessary.

What We Collect and How We Collect It

The type of personal information we collect will depend on various factors such as the type of products or services you request or use and any applicable legal and regulatory obligations. This information includes:

Contact – information that allows us to communicate with or contact you (e.g., address, telephone number, e-mail, social media account name and fax number).

Identity – information that allows us to identify you or to meet tax, anti-money laundering and other “know your client” legal and regulatory obligations (e.g., name, national identification number, date of birth, occupation, government-issued identification and country of tax residency).

Financial – information that allows us to determine creditworthiness or eligibility for or appropriateness of products or services (e.g., employment and financial history with others, income, net worth, credit reports, investment knowledge and objectives, and details of security provided for credit facilities).

Transactional – information about how you use different products or services or otherwise do business with us (e.g., purchase and payment history).

Information about your preferences and interests – such as language and communication preferences, demographics and interests that help us learn more about you, including how you like to do business with us, and what types of products, services or offers you may like or be interested in.

Another Individual – information we request, or that you provide, about an individual other than yourself (e.g., information about beneficiaries under an insurance product, an authorized user of your account, and contact information of someone you believe may be interested in a CIBC Caribbean product or service). If you give us information about another person, you must have the right to give us their information, and you must be able to show that you lawfully obtained their consent for CIBC Caribbean to collect, use and share their information for the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice.

We collect information from a variety of sources but most of the information comes from you (e.g., applications for or use of our products or services, communications with us, and user-generated content on our social media websites such as photographs or comments you post).

We may also collect information from other sources such as credit bureaus, references you have provided, program partners, government or financial institutions or from public sources such as telephone directories, newspapers, internet sites, commercially available marketing lists or government agencies and registries or public records.

We may monitor or record communications between you and our representatives (e.g., telephone calls) in order to enhance and maintain client service quality, to protect you and CIBC Caribbean, to confirm our discussions with you or for training purposes. We use surveillance, including videorecording, in and around our branches, ABMs and other locations for the safety of our clients, employees and others, to protect against illegal activity, such as theft, vandalism and fraud, or to enhance and maintain client service quality.

Other people’s Personal Information- in order to register beneficiaries or to transfer funds to third parties or other CIBC Caribbean Customers, you may need to provide us with your name, address, account number, telephone numbers, email addresses from your and other types personal information. CIBC Caribbean will not sell or otherwise disclose this information to any third parties and will only use it for the purposes specified to you. Even though this information is provided to us from your contact list, CIBC Caribbean will not have access to that contact list nor the ability to store it.

How We Use and Share Information

We use and share personal information for the following purposes:

To Provide You with Products or Services

  • Establish your identity and determine your eligibility for products or services.
  • Help to ensure that the advice, products or services offered to or purchased by you are appropriate for you.
  • Set up, manage, administer and maintain your products or services.
  • Process your transactions.

To Provide Location based services

  • In using our mobile banking application to access our products or services, you can choose to turn on location data sharing if you want us to access your location so that we can share the nearest location of our ATMs or branches.
  • Your location data sharing does not continue in the background when you have closed or exited the mobile banking application.
  • Location data sharing works based on what you agree to, which is limited in duration to either, “While using the app” or “only this time”.
  • You can also choose not to allow location data sharing at any time and revoke your previously consented choice by going into your mobile device’s permission settings for our mobile banking application and turning off location data access.

To Communicate with You

Send communications by various methods, such as post, e-mail, text (SMS/ WhatsApp), telephone, automatic dialing-announcing device (at the numbers you have provided to us), fax, other telecommunication channels, social media, including marketing or communications about benefits, features or other details about products or services.To Provide You with Value

  • To review and analyze your applications, transactions and other information to understand who you are, your financial needs and activities, and what products, services, and promotions may be of interest to you, including targeting promotions based on information that we have collected.
  • To promote and market products or services offered by the CIBC Caribbean Group, by our program partners or other third parties we have carefully better manage and improve your overall relationship with CIBC Caribbean, including monitoring, reviewing, analyzing or improving client services and business processes to make it easier to do business with us.
  • To encourage you to continue doing business with us.

To Manage our Business

  • To perform our everyday business and operations including record keeping or internal reporting.
  • To understand and better operate and manage CIBC Caribbean Group’s business and to develop products and services, including conducting market research or analyzing data we hold about you.
  • To administer referral arrangements
  • To use third-party service providers (including CIBC) to perform services on our behalf
  • To, where applicable, periodically update your information with credit bureaus
  • to manage CIBC Caribbean Group’s credit, business and other risks as may be required to operate as an effective, efficient and prudent financial institution.
  • To meet tax or legal and regulatory obligations
  • To protect you and us from error and criminal activity including the prevention, detection and investigation of fraud, money laundering, cyber threats and other such risks and threats (e.g., we will review and analyze your applications, transactions and other information to help us identify various types of threats and risks such as credit, fraud, and money laundering)
  • To share with other financial institutions, including correspondent or intermediary banks with which we do business
  • To, where required for a proposed sale, reorganisation, transfer, financial arrangement, asset disposal or other transaction relating to our business and/or assets held by our business
  • Your data may be used in anonymised form as part of statistics or other aggregated data shared with third parties.

Some of the specific ways we use and share your information within the CIBC Caribbean Group or with third parties include:

Program Partners – We share information with our program partners to help determine your eligibility for a CIBC Caribbean partner program. If you participate in a CIBC Caribbean partner program, we also share information in order to administer, develop, manage and promote the CIBC Caribbean partner program including accrual of points or rewards, reporting on and analyzing the program’s performance, developing new benefits, products or services, and conducting market research. If you withdraw your consent to this sharing we may not be able to provide you with the product or service (e.g., where the program is an automatic benefit of the product like a credit card with a rewards program). CIBC Caribbean may provide you with a Privacy Notice that explains how your information is handled for a particular partner program.

Joint Accounts or Representatives – Where you hold a product or service jointly with another person (e.g., joint accounts) or where someone is authorized to use or access your product or service (e.g., authorized user on a credit card), or where liability is shared with others (e.g., someone has provided a guarantee or indemnity for your obligations), we may share your information with them (or their representative) in connection with the product or service. Where someone is acting as a representative or we reasonably believe is acting with proper authorization (e.g., legal guardian, a person having power of attorney, estate representative, a lawyer, an accountant, and, for minor children, a parent or guardian) we may share information with and take instructions from them.

To Protect You – Where you might be a victim of fraud, financial abuse, or other illegal activity or where we have reasonable grounds to believe your interests can best be served by taking action, we may share information with the appropriate legal or governmental authorities, your next of kin or any other appropriate person. In these circumstances, we will only share information we believe is reasonably necessary to protect your interests.

To Protect Us – We share information to protect our rights or interests. For example, where we are involved in judicial, administrative or regulatory proceedings, or other similar processes including enforcing our rights (e.g., to collect on a debt). Or, in order to comply with any legal and regulatory obligations including any subpoena, warrant, or any judicial, administrative orders or demands.

To Perform Business Transactions – If we enter into a business transaction involving personal information, such as selling or securitizing assets, we may share information with the other parties to the transaction (e.g., as part of due diligence or on completion of the transaction). We require that the other parties keep this information confidential and limit its use to the purposes of the transaction. Where we enter into a business transaction involving the purchase of information by us, this Privacy Notice will apply to our collection, use and sharing of the purchased information. If we sell assets, the purchaser may be permitted or required by law to retain certain information for a period of time. We may also share your information with the beneficial owner of a product or service we provide you.

Protecting Your Personal Information

At CIBC Caribbean we take the protection of your personal information seriously. We make reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized use, sharing, loss or theft of information. We regularly audit our security procedures to confirm that they remain effective and appropriate.

Employees who have access to your information are made aware of the importance of keeping it confidential. Depending on the nature of the information, it may be stored in the branch or office you deal with, in various computer systems, or in the record storage facilities of the CIBC Caribbean Group or service providers.

Where we use service providers who might have access to your information, we select them carefully and require them to have privacy and security standards that meet CIBC Caribbean requirements. We use contracts and other measures with our service providers to maintain the confidentiality and security of your information and to prevent it from being used for any other purpose.

CIBC Caribbean, service providers and other parties with whom we share your information under this Privacy Notice, may perform activities outside of a Territory or the Territories, as permitted by local law. As a result, your information will be securely used, stored or accessed in other countries and be subject to the laws of those countries. For example, your information may be shared in response to valid demands or requests from government authorities, courts and law enforcement officials in those countries.

The length of time we keep your information will vary depending on the Territory you are in, the product or service and the type of the information. We keep your information for as long as we reasonably need it for customer service, legal requirements or reasonable business purposes. For these reasons, we keep your information beyond the end of your relationship with us. When your information is no longer required, we securely destroy or delete your personally identifiable information.

Information may be stored and processed in any country where we have affiliates or service providers. By using our products or services, you consent to the transfer of information to countries outside of the Territory in which you are located which may provide for different data protection rules.

When such storage is necessary, CIBC Caribbean ensures that adequate technological safeguards are used to protect your data.


Your Privacy Choices

Subject to legal, business or contractual requirements, you can withdraw your consent to our collection, use or sharing of your information at any time upon giving us reasonable notice. However, withdrawing your consent may limit or prevent us from providing you with, or being able to continue to provide you with, specific products or services. Please note that if you request us to delete your information we may be unable to do so as we may need to retain your information for legal or regulatory purposes including defence of legal claims or performance of a contract to which you are a party. In particular, during our relationship with you, we provide you with the following privacy choices:

Marketing: From time to time the CIBC Caribbean Group may offer you products or services, including special promotions, which may be of interest to you. Consent to receive marketing is optional and you can decide to withdraw it at any time. However, this will not limit the information provided to you through discussions with a CIBC Caribbean representative or through general CIBC Caribbean marketing or servicing channels (e.g., posters in branches and electronic messages on ABMs or our website), or information we send you that is related to your existing products and services or is permitted or required by law.

Call Recording: If you do not wish to have your telephone calls recorded, you have the option to conduct your business with us through a CIBC Caribbean branch, office or location, through the use of our ABMs, through our Online banking services, or by writing to us.

In certain circumstances your consent cannot be withdrawn. For example, you may not withdraw your consent where our collection, use or sharing is permitted or required by law, is required to ensure we have correct and up to date information about you (e.g., current address), or is necessary to manage our business including the sharing of your information when we assign our rights to others for business transactions.

Keeping Your Information Updated

We take care to keep your information in our records as accurate, complete and up to date as necessary for the purposes for which it is used. However, we also rely on you to tell us when your information changes. Keeping your information accurate and up-to-date allows us to continue to offer you the highest quality service.

Accessing Your Information

You have the right to access your personal information that we retain. Much of your information is available to you through your account statements, by visiting the branch or office you deal with, by accessing your account online, or through telephone banking. If you require other information please see the “How To Contact Us” section below.

Addressing Any Privacy Concerns

If you have any complaints, questions or concerns about this Privacy Notice or our privacy practices please let us know right away. If you choose to send us an e-mail, do not include sensitive information (e.g., card or account numbers).

Talk to Us, Call the CIBC Caribbean Customer Care & Sales Centre

In most cases, a complaint, question or concern is resolved simply by talking to us about it. You should be able to get swift results by talking to a CIBC Caribbean representative where you do business. You can speak with us in-branch or by calling us at any of the numbers on our “Contact us” page.

See how you can Contact us.

However, if you are not satisfied with how a complaint is being handled, see the below link for the steps you can follow in our Feedback Process. Furthermore, please be aware that you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Regulator in your jurisdiction.  For ease of reference you may view the list of data protection regulators within CIBC Caribbean’s footprint here Data Protection Regulators in the Caribbean

Be sure to include your name and contact information where you prefer to be reached, the nature of your complaint, question or concern, details relevant to the matter and with whom you have already discussed the issue.

How to contact us

If you want to update or correct any personal information we hold about you: You should Contact the branch or office where your account is held or talk to your CIBC Caribbean representative or call any of our numbers on our “Contact us” page. If you tell us that we have information about you that is obsolete or incorrect, we will update our records as necessary. When appropriate, we will correct any of your information which we may have given to a third party.

If you do not wish to receive marketing communications from the CIBC Caribbean Group: You should contact the branch or office where your account is held or talk to your CIBC Caribbean representative or call any of our numbers on our “Contact us” page. When you withdraw your consent for marketing, we will update your file as quickly as possible. It may take some time for our records to reflect your choice as many records can only be changed during regular file updates and your choice may not be captured for a promotion already in progress.

If you want access to the personal information we retain about you: You should: contact the branch or office where your account is held or talk to your CIBC Caribbean representative. We will require that you put your request in writing and that you provide us with enough specific details in order to help us to understand your request and conduct our search for your information. We will need you to verify your identity before searching for or providing you with access to your information. We will let you know in advance if there will be a fee to provide access to your information. A Schedule of Charges for services such as for photocopying documents can be found on our website on our Schedule of Charges pages. If you have a sensory disability you may request your information to be made available in an alternative format. There may be limits on your right to access your information. If we have obtained information about you from others, you can ask us for the source of that information. On request, and where legally permitted, we will provide you with the names of third parties to whom we have given or may have given your information. However, this will not include service providers we have used to do work for us. It will also not include reports to revenue agencies or authorities or your information that has been provided for legal and regulatory obligations. Where we exchange your information with a credit bureau, if you wish to request access to a credit report we obtained about you from a credit bureau, we will give you a copy if we still have it on file. We will provide you with the name and address of the credit bureau we used as they will have the most current information and can provide you with information on how to read the report. You may liaise with the credit bureau directly pertaining to the contents of your credit report.

You can contact our Bank’s Head of Privacy & Data Protection with your privacy questions at:

CIBC Caribbean

The Michael Mansoor Building, Warrens, St Michael, BB 22026, Barbados



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