Credit and Debit Card Fraud

Learn about Credit and Debit Card Fraud

Credit and debit card fraud occurs when the information contained on your card is stolen and used to obtain funds from your account without your authorisation.

Card reading devices are used to obtain the electronic data from the magnetic stripe on your card, and hidden cameras or false Personal Identification Number (PIN) pads are used to obtain your personal access code. That's why it is imperative that you protect your PIN.


Common Types of Credit & Debit Card Fraud


  • Duplicating legitimate cards which are then used for fraudulent activities


  • Unauthorised use of a credit or debit card as a result of it being lost or stolen

Card Not Present:

  • Unauthorised use of credit or debit card information for fraudulent activities over the internet, phone or mail

Identity Theft:

  • Unauthorised acquisition of personal and/or financial information of another person for the purpose of assuming that person's identity to engage in fraudulent activities


How CIBC Caribbean works to combat Credit and Debit Card Fraud

CIBC Caribbean helps to protect you from unauthorised use of your credit and/or debit card. We communicate and work with law enforcement agencies, regional Bankers’ Associations and other financial institutions on an ongoing basis to protect you from credit and debit card fraud. Despite our best efforts, you still need to take precautions to reduce your risk of becoming a fraud victim.

While a CIBC Caribbean credit or debit card is generally a secure payment method, credit or debit card fraud can still occur. As a VISA and MasterCard member, CIBC Caribbean is committed to helping protect our clients from credit or debit card fraud.

We continue to make a significant investment in security networks and in training experts who are constantly monitoring and investigating suspicious incidents as they relate to credit or debit card usage. In many cases, CIBC Caribbean is able to proactively identify unusual transactions that could indicate fraudulent activities on a credit or debit card. For instance, CIBC Caribbean may request that a merchant call us to verify your identity as a legitimate cardholder conducting the transaction.


Liability if your Credit/Debit card is used fraudulently

If you are a confirmed victim of fraud and you have met your obligations under CIBC Caribbean Credit Cardholder Agreement or CIBC Caribbean Debit Cardholder Agreement (whichever is  applicable), you will not be held liable for the associated losses.

Review your CIBC Caribbean Cardholder Agreement for additional details.


How you can protect yourself from Credit and Debit Card fraud

Here are some precautions you can take to safeguard yourself and avoid becoming a victim of debit or credit card fraud:

  • Use your hand or body to shield your PIN from onlookers when you are conducting transactions at an ATM or at the point-of-sale
  • Never let your debit or credit card out of your sight when conducting a transaction at the point-of-sale
  • Always remember to take your card and transaction record with you once your transaction is completed
  • Regularly check your billing statements to verify that all transactions have been properly documented. If entries do not accurately reflect transaction activities (e.g. if there are missing or additional transactions), you should contact your CIBC Caribbean branch or CIBC Caribbean Customer Care and Contact Centre immediately
  • If your debit card or credit card is lost, stolen or retained by an ATM, notify a CIBC Caribbean branch or call the CIBC Caribbean Customer Care and Contact Centre immediately at 1 866 743 2257
  • Your debit card and PIN are the keys to your account(s). Never disclose your PIN to anyone or you could be liable for losses. You are the only person who should know it
  • Do not retain any written record of your PIN. If you suspect that someone knows your PIN, change it immediately or notify a CIBC Caribbean branch or call the CIBC Caribbean Customer Care and Contact Centre immediately at 1 866 743 2257
  • When selecting your PIN, never use obvious information. You could be liable for losses if you create your PIN or Password by using easily guessed numbers such as your telephone number, date of birth, address or social insurance number
  • Sign your credit or debit card on the signature panel as soon as you receive it
  • Never give credit/debit card or personal information over the phone, unless you have initiated the call and you have verified you are dealing with a reputable merchant
  • Never transmit images of your credit or debit card to anyone
  • Sign up for Online Banking and download our Mobile App – Enable the Card Security Controls. Learn more here >

Contact us

If you suspect you have been a victim of fraud, call us at 1 866 743 2257 or email us at

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