Portfolio CustomisationYour Portfolio Manager will work with you, looking at your wealth in its entirety, to design a strategy that will reflect your individual situation including return expectations, risk tolerance, income requirements, tax considerations, liquidity needs, and time horizon. This forms the basis of your customised Investment Policy Statement, which provides guidelines and constraints for the management of your assets, and provides the discipline and focus to our investment process - Asset-Mix Management.
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Investment Manager Expertise With CIBC Portfolio Management, you gain access to investment managers from around the world, many of whom are not normally available to individual investors. Each asset class in your portfolio benefits from the depth and breadth of their expertise, which encompasses a variety of investment styles, asset classes, and geographic areas. |
For more details on Discretionary Portfolio Management contact :
Director, Trust (Cayman and Bahamas) CIBC Caribbean Trust Company (Cayman) Limited Tel: 345 914-9425 |