Digital Banking
When will the change to One-Time Verification code (OTVC) take effect?
On August 31, 2024, we reactivated the use of free email address to receive One-Time Verification Code (OTVC).
However, while we have reactivated the use of free email address to receive One-Time Verification Code (OTVC), to enhance your security we strongly recommend following steps.
- Use a paid email account provided by an employer and may be associated with a company domain (e.g., These accounts are more secure than a free email account.
- Where possible, avoid using free email accounts provided by domains such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.
- If you must use a free email account, please ensue you enable the Two Factor authentication (2FA) on the email platform.
What is a paid email address?
Paid/Work Email Address:
- Often provided by an employer and may be associated with a company domain (e.g.,
- Usually adheres to professional standards and has specific security measures in place.
What is a free email address?
Free/Personal Email Address:
- Typically hosted by services like Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook.
- May contain personal information or be linked to social media accounts.
If I am travelling, will “Trust Device” still be activated?
Yes. It will still be enabled.
If I am travelling, will I still receive an OTVC to my mobile or email acceptable address?
Yes. To receive the OTVC via mobile follow the instructions below:
- Turn off mobile data
- Turn off airplane mode
Once airplane mode has been turned off, check again to ensure mobile data is still turned off to prevent them from incurring any data roaming charges. (Minor cost is incurred for the text)
Once completed client can get OTVC via SMS (preferred method) or voice call.
On completion of “trusting their device”, they can turn back on airplane mode.
If via Email:
You must ensure you are connected to as secure Wi-Fi network or on roaming. Please note, with roaming, you may incur charges by your telecommunications provider.
What is the benefit of activating the ‘Trust Device’ option?
Trusting your device allows you to bypass One Time Verification Code (OTVC) at login. This is applicable to those territories with two-factor authentication at login.
This change is applicable to our clients in Antigua, The Bahamas, The Cayman Islands, Barbados, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia and Trinidad.
Please note, the Trust Device option is only valid for a period of 90 days, after which you will need to reactive the function.
Which email addresses are acceptable for use with OTVC?
Both a paid and free email address can be used to accept the OTVC at this time.
However, for better account security, we strongly recommend using a paid email address.
A paid email address is provided by an employer and may be associated with a company domain (e.g.,
A free email is typically hosted by services by @yahoo, @outlook or @gmail, etc.
What happens if I did not change my email address that is registered with my Online Banking profile?
You won’t be required to do anything at this time and can continue to use the information on file.
However, if you are using a free email address, we strongly recommend updating to a paid email address as soon as possible.
What happens if I no longer use the phone number that is registered with my Online Banking profile?
Your information will no longer be valid. Please ensure your contact information is up to date by logging in to Online Bank or our Mobile App and follow the steps below:
Go to:
Settings > Personal Information > Contact information and update your details.
What happens if I changed my email address that is registered with my Online Banking profile?
If you have now added a paid email address, we recommend that you deselect Two-Step Verification (2SV) to the free email address, previously used. You will receive an OTVC to this email address. You will then be required to enter the OTVC, and this will confirm that the email address has been removed from receiving future OTVC.
Here are the steps:
- Got to Settings
- Select Personal Information
- Select Contact Information
- At the Contact & Verification screen
- Edit the list of contacts
- Use the toggle button to activate the Two Step Verification screen
- Select Continue
To confirm that the email has been removed, you can go back to contacts and verification and verify that the ‘green shield’ no longer appears next to the free email address.
PS: Please ensure you are connected to a secure Wi-Fi network
What happens if I no longer have an active mobile number?
You will need to have at least a landline, or a valid company email address added to your account.
As an added layer of protection, we encourage to activate the “Trust Devise” option. Please note that this feature is only applicable to our clients in Antigua, The Bahamas, Barbados, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia and Trinidad, with two factor authentication at log in.
In the event you don’t have a mobile number or email address, you will need to visit the nearest branch to have your personal information updated.
How do I apply for an account online?
To apply for an account, visit our website at Select the Personal Banking tab, select Bank Accounts, select ‘Apply for an Account’.
What are all the documents required to complete the online application process?
Requirements for opening an account are location specific. Visit Select your location. View ‘Account Opening Requirements’ under Notices.
Do I need to go into a branch for any part of the process?
Clients are required to visit the branch under exceptional circumstances (e.g. if client is experiencing technical difficulties or if documentation loaded was not validated) or if prompted by the tool (e.g. Politically Exposed Person).
How long does it take to receive my bank card?
You will be contacted by our branch personnel for the collection of your card within 5-10 business days.
What is my minimum starting balance required?
The minimum amount required to open an account varies on the product selected. This can also be found in the ‘Account Opening Requirements’ document under Notices on the locations page: . Select your location to view the document.
How do I select the best product/account type for my needs?
This will be dependent on the reason for opening an account. Please review for additional account details or please reach out to a CIBC Caribbean representative at a branch location most convenient to you.
Can I change my account type once selected or after the account is opened?
If you have not yet submitted your online application, you can change the account type by simply returning to the menu selection.
Once the account application has been completed, to change your account type, please contact branch personnel for support.
How do I save my application and return to it at another point?
There is a ‘Save and Exit’ button available on each page of the application to assist you with ensuring your application progress is saved.
What should I do if I do not receive my verification email?
If you do not receive your verification email, please contact the Customer Care & Sales Centre at 1-866-743-2257. You can also visit a branch for additional assistance.
Is there a Mobile App available for me to track my account activity?
Yes there is! To download the CIBC Caribbean Mobile App please visit your App store.
You may also register for Online Banking where you can track your Account activity. Visit and select Register.
How long is the application process?
Your application time is dependent on the time taken to complete the application and submission of all documents.
Once the application is completed, a CIBC Caribbean representative will contact you within 48 hours as applicable.
Who do I contact if there is an issue with my application?
For any issues, please contact the Customer Care & Sales Centre at 1-866-743-2257 . You can also visit a branch for additional assistance.
What are the rates and fees on the various types of accounts?
For fees on the various types of accounts please go to
What is the CIBC Caribbean Mobile App?
The CIBC Caribbean Mobile App allows you to complete everyday banking functions on your mobile device.
How much does it cost to use the Mobile App?
The use of CIBC Caribbean Mobile App service is free. However, be sure to check the details of your service plan with your mobile service provider for potential fees and charges.
How will I access the Mobile App?
You will first have to sign up for CIBC Caribbean Online Banking, before you can have access to CIBC Caribbean Mobile App.
Does it matter which service provider I am with?
The CIBC Caribbean Mobile App works with any service provider, and can be used over WIFI.
What platforms is the Mobile App available on?
The CIBC Caribbean Mobile App works on Android and iOS.
Can I use the Mobile App on multiple devices with different mobile numbers?
Yes, however you may only have an active login session on one device at a time.
What is Two-step Verification?
CIBC Caribbean’s two-step verification process involves using a numbered code in order to complete sensitive transactions. The code is sent to a device/account of your choosing. It is an increased layer of security for your Mobile app. You can set up Two-step Verification from the Preferences menu. There are lots of ways that you can receive your two-step verification code. You can setup Two-step step verification to send a text to your mobile phone or a voice call to your mobile, home, or work phone, or you can send a verification code to your email.
What is considered a sensitive transaction?
A sensitive transaction is a transaction that requires added security as a protection to you. Such as changing your contact details.
How do I set up my passcode?
On your first login to the application you will be prompted to perform a security checkup. Through this process you will
- Confirm your contact information
- Activate Two-Step Verification
- Create a Recovery Passcode
How do I edit my Passcode on the Mobile App?
On your Mobile app
i. Go to the hamburger menu
ii. Select Preferences
iii. Select Passcode
iv. Follow the steps on screen to change your Passcode
How do I complete the Security Checkup if I already have Mobile Banking and I have been upgraded?
After downloading and installing the CIBC Caribbean Mobile app 2.2 or higher from the app stores (Google Playstore or Apple App Store) on first login you will be prompted to perform the following steps after entering your login credentials in order to use the app.
Note: If you have previously performed these steps on Online Banking you will not be prompted to complete as outlined below. Instead you will progress to your wallet.
i. At the Security Checkup screen read the information presented and click the Start Security Checkup button
ii. Scroll to read the Terms and Condition presented on the page and click the I Agree checkbox
iii. Click Continue
iv. On the Verify Mobile Phone screen click the Save button
Note: The Activate Two-Step Verification Option cannot be disabled.
v. At the Verify Contact Information screen click the option by which you want to receive your verification code
a. Via Voice Call
Note: It is recommended you avoid using voice if you are unable to answer the call as the code will go to your voicemail and be easily accessed by other persons
b. Via Text Message
vi. Enter the verification code received at the Verify Mobile Phone screen in the Verification Code text box
Note: The code expires in 5 minutes
vii. Click Continue
viii. Click Continue at the successful notification screen
ix. At the Verify Primary Email screen confirm this is your most frequently used email address and click Save
Note: The Activate Two-Step Verification Option cannot be disabled
x. Click the email address where you want your verification code to be sent
xi. Enter the verification code received at the Verify Primary Email screen in the Verification Code text box
Note: The code expires in 5 minutes
xii. Click Continue
xiii. Click Continue at the successful notification screen
xiv. At the Verify Secondary Email screen confirm this is your most frequently used email address and click Save
Note: This screen is ONLY displayed if the user has a secondary email saved in the system. Otherwise the user progresses to step
xv. Click the email address where you want your verification code to be sent
xvi. Enter the verification code received at the Verify Primary Email screen in the Verification Code text box
Note: The code expires in 5 minutes
xvii. Click Continue
xviii. Click Continue at the successful notification screen
xix. On the Create Recovery Passcode for Two-Step Verification screen Click View Passcode Requirements to view minimum requirements for the passcode
xx. Click Close
Note: This passcode is an emergency back-up method in instances such as loss of your primary phone number.
xxi. Enter the desired code in the Passcode textbox
xxii. Re-Enter the passcode in the Confirm Passcode textbox
Note: Please keep this passcode securely for your reference
xxiii. Click Continue
xxiv. Click Continue at the successful notification screen
xxv. At the Your Security Checkup is Complete screen
a. Click Done if the information is correct
b. Click Enter Additional Contact Methods to take you to the Contact and Two-Step Verification screen
i. Click the pencil to modify the information for any of the options presented
ii. Click the blue plus sign to add any information that is not present
iii. Click Done when complete to be navigated to the dashboard
What happens if I log off without performing all of the security checkups?
On the next login you are presented with the Security Checkup Screen indicating that you need to complete all of the steps. Just follow the prompts to complete.
How do I update Contact and Two-Step Verification?
Note: You must have at least one verified phone number and a verified primary email to complete this step. Important you must have access to these numbers or email addresses at the time of setup in if you are turning on Two-Step Verification.
A: This can be updated in Preferences on your Mobile App
i. Go to the hamburger menu at the top right of your screen
ii. Tap the settings icon next to your user name
iii. Select Contact and Two-Step Verification from the Preferences screen
iv. Tap Mobile, Home Phone, Work Phone, Primary Email or Secondary Email to either update or add information
v. Click the Save button
vi. Click Send Code
vii. Enter the verification code received
a. Click Continue
b. Click Resend Code
c. Click Cancel
viii. Click the arrow in the top left to your Preferences
ix. Click the wallet in the top left to return to the account summary page
How do I setup my Mobile App Passcode?
On your first login to the application you will be prompted to perform a security checkup. Through this process you will
- Sign off on the latest Terms and Conditions
- Confirm your contact information
- Activate Two-Step Verification
- Create your Recovery Passcode
Will I need a new User ID and Password for CIBC Caribbean Mobile App if I use CIBC Caribbean Online Banking?
No. You will use the same User ID and Password for both CIBC Caribbean Mobile App and Online Banking.
I have a pre-paid phone. Can I use CIBC Caribbean Mobile App?
Yes; CIBC Caribbean Mobile App will work on a pre-paid and post-paid phone.
What do I need to do to be eligible to use CIBC Caribbean Mobile App services?
You will first need to be a registered CIBC Caribbean Online Banking user, and then you can download the CIBC Caribbean Mobile App to your mobile phone.
How safe is the Mobile App?
CIBC Caribbean has put stringent security measures in place to protect your financial information and details.
What services do I get with the CIBC Caribbean Mobile App?
With the CIBC Caribbean Mobile App you can:
- View account balances and account details for all of your registered accounts
- Transfer funds between your own accounts OR to a third party and view your transfer history
- Make bill payments and view your bill payment history
- Locate a CIBC Caribbean branch or an ATM
- Get alerts on my Visa Debit and Credit transactions
- “Freeze my visa card”
What accounts can I access with CIBC Caribbean Mobile App?
You can access your accounts registered in Online Banking, these include:
- Chequing
- Savings
- Fixed Deposits
- Loans
- Credit Cards
Can I use the CIBC Caribbean Mobile App if I have a joint account?
Yes, but only if you can sign independently on the account. You will be able to see all of your accounts. If you have an account that requires two or more signatures you will not be able to perform the bill payment or transfer function.
Are my account details stored permanently on my phone?
No. CIBC Caribbean does not store account details on your phone.
Can I use CIBC Caribbean Mobile App services outside of my country?
Yes, CIBC Caribbean Mobile App will work anywhere there is an internet connection. However, we recommend first consulting with your mobile service provider to understand any applicable roaming /international usage details and charges.
What do I do if I forget my password?
If you forget your password you can logon to your Online Banking account and:
i. Go to the Logon page at
ii. Click “Forgot Your Password?” link in the bottom right of the screen
iii. Enter your User ID and Email Address
iv. Enter New Password
v. Enter Confirmation Password
vi. Click Save
vii. You will be prompted for two step verification to complete the password change.
What if my phone number changes?
You will still be able to access CIBC Caribbean Mobile App. The service is not tied to a telephone number. However you should update your contact and 2 step verification. Best practice is to have more than 2 verification methods. This is sensitive transaction and does require you verify yourself in order to make a change. If this is your only means of 2 step verification then you will be required to go to the branch to update your contact details with us. To update the information on the Mobile App follow the below steps
i. Go to the hamburger menu
ii. Tap the settings icon next to your user name
iii. Select Contact and Two-Step Verification
iv. Select the phone number you need to update
v. Remove the current number
vi. Enter the new phone number starting with your valid country code
vii. Click Save
What if I lose my phone?
You should first call your mobile service provider to report your phone has been lost or stolen and have them deactivate your number. Since your account data is not stored on your phone your information cannot be stolen. We recommend that you do not save your User Id and password on your phone, and always protect your phone as you would your wallet, bank card or credit card.
What precautions can I take to secure my information on CIBC Caribbean Mobile App?
Most mobile phones have the feature to lock the phone to entry via a PIN or Code that enables the owner of the mobile phone to protect it from unauthorised use. We recommend that you:
i. Log-off from your mobile banking session when you are finished
ii. Password protect your phone
iii. Disable the password save
Should I share my Internet and Mobile App password with anyone?
You should never share your password to Internet and Mobile App. It could put you at risk of someone performing fraudulent transactions on your account.
What is Fingerprint ID (Android devices)/Touch ID (Apple devices)
Fingerprint ID or Touch ID is a feature which gives you the ability to use your fingerprint to identify yourself on your phone. Once Fingerprint ID/Touch ID is turned on, for your phone, you can set up the feature to allow you access, to your Mobile app with your fingerprint, instead of using your Online Banking password.
Your mobile device needs to have the Fingerprint ID or Touch ID functionality, in order for you to access this feature on the mobile app. You can then set up Fingerprint ID/Touch ID from the Preferences menu.
When I use my Fingerprint ID/Touch ID, do I ever have to enter my password?
No, once you have setup the Fingerprint ID/Touch ID feature you don’t ever have to enter your password to access the Mobile Banking app. Just click on the Fingerprint icon on the login screen to login.
If my device doesn't recognise my fingerprint, can I still get into my account?
If your device doesn’t recognise your fingerprint, disable the Fingerprint ID/Touch ID feature on your device, in your preferences, then you will be able to log-on and access your Mobile app using your Online Banking password. If you have enrolled a new fingerprint on your device, the Mobile app will disable the Fingerprint ID/Touch ID feature. You will be required to enable the feature once again in Preferences.
Does Fingerprint ID/Touch ID prevent other users from getting into my Mobile App account?
If you share your device with someone, we don’t recommend you enable the Fingerprint ID/Touch ID feature. Anyone who saves their fingerprint to your device and knows your passcode can access your Mobile app account.
What is Card Security Settings?
Card Security Settings allows you to control the types of transactions and limits you wish to apply to your card and block incoming purchase and cash advance transactions should you lose your card.
How do I access my Card Security Settings?
Access the settings as follows:-
i. Go to the credit card on your wallet/ accounts screen
ii. Navigate to your account
iii. Tap on Card Security Controls
Can I choose which types of transactions to block?
Yes, the Card Security Settings feature can be used to restrict certain types of transactions, limit how much can be approved and allow for clients to manage their cards on a transaction level. These are managed by the categories displayed. Clients can block online transactions.
What is Freeze My Card?
Freezing your card prevents all incoming transactions (purchases and cash advances) from being approved on the card selected. This feature should only be enabled where you have misplaced your card and can be removed once your card is found.
Where can I go to Freeze My Card?
Freeze My Card can be found under Card Security Controls.
What are alerts?
Get real time alerts on your visa debit and credit cards. When your cards are used an alert pops up on your phone giving you details of that transaction.
How do I turn on Alerts?
A. There are two (2) options to access this feature:-
i. From your wallet screen
a. Select Card Security Controls
b. Select ‘Alert me on all of my transactions’, on the Card Security Settings screen
c. Tap the toggle button by ‘Alert me on all transactions to get alerts on all types of transactions
d. Click Yes after reading the Privacy Notice
e. Specify which transaction you want to be alerted on
a. Click the desired option box to be alerted for
i. Online Transactions
ii. Declined Transactions
iii. Block Online Transactions
f. Click Save
ii. Select the account
a. Select Card Security Settings
b. Enable ‘Alert me on all my transactions’
c. Select ‘Alert me on all of my transactions’, on the Card Security Settings screen
d. Tap the toggle button by ‘Alert me on all transactions to get alerts on all types of transactions
e. Click Yes after reading the Privacy Notice
f. Specify which transaction you want to be alerted on
a. Click the desired option box to be alerted for
i. Online Transactions
ii. Declined Transactions
Block Online Transactions
I have my alerts enabled on my phone however, I have changed phones and I am not receiving alerts. How do I receive alerts on my new phone?
A. To receive alerts there are two options. Turn on both options:-
i. Go to Preferences
ii. Select Push Notifications
a. Select ‘Enable Push Notifications’, under Current Device
i. Select ‘Enable current notifications on the current device’, at the Enable Push Notification modal
ii. Select ‘Continue’ at the next modal
b. Select ‘Disable Push Notifications’, under Other Devices
i. Select ‘Disable push notifications on all other devices’, at the Disable Push Notifications modal
ii. Select ‘Continue’ at the next modal
Please notify us if you are still not receiving alerts.
What if turning on alerts does not work on my Android phone?
You need to ensure that your phone has global alerts turned on in your settings. In settings find the CIBC Caribbean Mobile App and turn on alerts/notifications.
I did a transaction in my country but my alert showed a different currency. What should I do?
A. You will not be required to do anything as alerts will show in the currency of the vendor. In some cases the vendor will be acquiring in a different currency. An example of this is a travel agency may be using an online ticketing system which acquires/charges in USD.
If you have an iOS phone and are on a version lower that 11.0, you must have the app open or in the background. You do not have to be logged in for it to work.
Does Card Security Settings apply to additional cardholders on my account?
Card Security Settings work at the card level and are applied to the card enrolled/selected. Additional users may add their card to their Online Banking account to control their card’s transaction activity separately.
How do I setup Fingerprint or facial recognition on my Mobile phone?
First ensure the fingerprint option is setup on your mobile device within the setting option of your phone.
Note: All fingerprints saved on this device will have access to your CIBC Caribbean account
i. Login to your mobile app
ii. Select the hamburger menu
iii. Select settings
iv. Select Fingerprint ID / Face Id within Preferences
v. Please read the information on screen
vi. Toggle the switch to Enable Fingerprint ID / face ID on your app
vii. Enter your password as requested
viii. Click Save
ix. Follow the instruction on screen as related to your phone
How do I logon to my Mobile App with my Fingerprint/Face ID?
First ensure the fingerprint option is setup on your mobile device within the setting option of your phone.
Note: All fingerprints saved on this device will have access to your CIBC Caribbean account
i. Open your Mobile App on your device
ii. Select the Fingerprint icon at the bottom of your screen
iii. Follow the instructions on your phone to access the app
Who do I contact if I need help?
You can contact our Customer Service Centre via telephone at 1 866 743 2557.
How can I retrieve my User ID?
To retrieve your User ID kindly follow the below steps:
- Select ‘Having Trouble Signing in’
- Select the ‘Forgot User ID’
- Enter the details required to have your ID sent to your email address on file with us.
If you are unable to continue, kindly reach out to us for assistance at 1 866 743 2257.
How can I register for CIBC Caribbean Online Banking?
It’s easy to enroll in CIBC Caribbean Online Banking.
1. Go to
2. Click the "Register" link on the login window
3. To Register using your Credit, Debit or ATM Card Number
1. Enter the Name on your card
2. Enter your Card Number and your email address
3. Click the "Continue" button
4. Enter your New Password
5. Enter your Confirmation Password
6. Enter your Email Address
7. Click the “Save” button
8. Click “Send Code” On the Verify Your Identity screen for the option by which you wish to receive the verification code
9. Enter the verification code provided
10. Click “Continue
4. To Register using your Account Number
1. Enter the Name on your Account
2. Enter your Account Number
3. Select the Country from the pick list
4. Click “Continue” button
5. Enter your New Password
6. Enter your Confirmation Password
7. Enter your Email Address
8. Click the “Save” button
9. Click “Send Code” On the Verify Your Identity screen for the option by which you wish to receive the verification code
10. Enter the verification code provided
11. Click “Continue
What is my Primary Email?
It is the email address you use most frequently
What email addresses can I use for Two-Step Verification?
i. You can use corporate email accounts.
ii. You cannot use free email accounts, such as Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail etc., for TwoStep Verification as these accounts for security reasons.
How safe is Online Banking? What systems are in place to ensure security?
We want you to be confident in accessing your financial information online. CIBC Caribbean uses multiple layers of protection to increase your security while using CIBC Caribbean Online Banking. Please ensure that you have your latest contact details setup within Online Banking. This ensures that when any Sensitive Transactions are performed you are notified immediately via text message as well as email.
If you suspect you may be affected by a security risk, call us immediately to change your CIBC Caribbean Online Banking password. Do not access Online Banking with any machine that you feel may have had a security compromise until it has been fully secured. Feel free to contact us with any security concerns or questions.
What is the best way to view the site on my iPad?
The best user experience is using Portrait orientation.
Which browsers are supported?
A. In order to use Online Banking one of the following browser versions should be installed. To update or install a browser visit your desired browser site.
B. Here is a list of supported browsers
a. Windows 10/Chrome Latest Version
b. Windows 10/Firefox – Latest Version
c. Windows 10/Microsoft Edge
d. Windows 10/IE 11
e. Latest Mac 10.X/Safari 10.X
How can I self-register for CIBC Caribbean Online Banking?
Please visit Online Banking to register. You can either self-register using your account number or card number.
How can I retrieve my User ID?
To retrieve your User ID kindly follow the below steps:
- Select ‘Having Trouble Signing in’
- Select the ‘Forgot User ID’
- Enter the details required to have your ID sent to your email address on file with us.
If you are unable to continue, kindly reach out to us for assistance at 1 866 743 2257.
My verification codes are not being received
Kindly utilise both SMS and Voice Call options to receive your code. If you are unsuccessful, kindly reach restart your device and try again. If codes are still not being sent, kindly reach out to us at 1 866 743 2257 or via Live Chat.
How can I add my credit card to view transactions in Online Banking?
Kindly follow the below instructions to add your credit card to online banking for transaction viewing:
If using Online Banking via a browser:
- Log in to Online Banking
- Select ‘preferences’ in the top right-hand corner,
- Select ‘add additional accounts,’
- Select ‘card number’,
- Enter the card number and press continue.
If using our Mobile App:
- Log in to the Mobile App,
- Select the three lines in the top right-hand corner,
- Select the gear icon,
- Select 'add additional accounts',
- Select ‘card number’,
- Enter the card number and press continue.
How do I add a Payee?
Please see below instructions to add a Payee for Transfers via Online Banking:
- Log in to Online Banking or or Mobile App
- Select Transfers tab at the top of the screen
- Select the ‘Payee’ tab
- Select ‘Add New’
- Select the transfer type
- Enter the required details
- Press Add
How do I add a Biller?
Please see below instructions to add a Biller for Payments via Online Banking:
- Log in to Online Banking or our Mobile App
- Select Payments at the top of the screen
- Select ‘Bills’
- Select ‘Add New’
- Select the Bill Company
- Enter the require details
- Press Register
What is 1st Insights?
The CIBC Caribbean Mobile App allows you to complete everyday banking functions on your mobile device.
Is there a cost for 1st Insights?
There is no cost for 1st Insights.
I turned on 1st Insights but I'm not seeing anything. Why is that?
It can take up to 1 business day to generate insights once you turn the feature on. If you don't have enough activity on your account to generate new insights, you'll get a "You're all caught up" message. If your account has been closed, no insights will be displayed.
How are transactions categorised?
Transactions are matched using a catalogue of categories made for well-known companies that operate across the Caribbean. For example, any transaction made at FLOW is categorised as Telecomms. You can change the category of a transaction by selecting the transaction within 1st Insights.
Why do some of my transactions have different transactions dates compared to CIBC Caribbean Online Banking?
For deposit account transactions,1st Insights shows the date the transaction was made. Online Banking shows the posted date, which is the date the bank processed the transaction. For example, if you made a purchase over the weekend, 1st Insights will show the date you made the purchase, whereas Online Banking will show the transaction date as the next business day. Here are other examples of transactions where you may see a mismatch of dates:
· Back-dated transactions, such as account fees, rebates, cheque deposits, cheque returns or pre-authorised debit payments
· Future-dated transactions, such as transactions made on a weekend, holiday or in the evening after the processing cut-off time
Will I get insights for more than one account?
No, you can only get insights for one account. However, you can change which account you want to receive insights on.
What is the currency of the insights on my account?
The insights will be given on the currency of the account you have selected.
What is Cheque Image Retrieval?
Cheque Image Retrieval allows CIBC Caribbean clients to view and download digital images of cheques they have written, after the funds from a cheque have been successfully deposited to the recipient's account. Cheque Image Retrieval is available to clients with chequing accounts in the following territories: The Bahamas, BVI, TCI, Cayman, EC Islands and Trinidad.
How can I access and view my cheque images?
Cheque images can be accessed in the transaction history of the relevant account. Once you've logged on to either Online Banking or the Mobile App select the account associated with your cheque book. An icon will be displayed next to the cheque transaction. Click on the icon to view cheques images.
How can I download my cheques images?
To download a cheque image, click on either the front or back image of your cheque to enlarge it. Once enlarged, right-click the image and choose the save option or click the download icon at the top-right of the window.
How soon will I be able to view a cheque image after I’ve written a cheque?
Cheque images will be available in your transaction history after the funds from the cheque have been successfully deposited on the recipient’s account.
Can I view the cheque images on a mobile device or tablet?
Once logged in, CIBC Caribbean clients can view cheque images through our Online Banking service or the Mobile App.
Can I share my cheques image if necessary?
Downloaded cheque images can be saved and shared if necessary. Clients can also file the cheque image or use these digital cheque images as a transaction reference.
*Digital cheque images can not be re-deposited or cashed at any bank.
Are there any fees to use this feature?
There is no cost to CIBC Caribbean clients to view or download the cheque images.
What is mDeposit?
mDeposit is a convenient, easy, quick and secure service offered to CIBC Caribbean clients. mDeposit allows you to use the camera on your smart device to deposit your cheque(s) via the Mobile App. This service is currently available to Antigua, The Cayman Islands, St Kitts and St. Lucia clients with local currency deposit accounts. No fees are charged to CIBC Caribbean clients who use our mDeposit service.
mDeposit is available in territories where local legislation allows cheque images as a legal form of exchange.
What types of cheque(s) can I deposit?
You may deposit personal, business and government cheques, convenience cheques and certified cheques in local currency.
What should be completed on my cheque before it is deposited?
Before you deposit your cheque, ensure that the following is present and clear: the payee's name, a valid date, the cheque amount in figures, the cheque amount in words, the drawer's signature, the MICR line and the account number.
NB: The below MUST be applied before depositing a cheque:
· The cheque amount in figures and words should match
· A valid date, not older than six months.
· Your account number written at the back of the cheque
· Ensure the amount you input on the screen matches the words and figures on the cheque.
· The Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) Line is the string of characters that appears at the bottom of the cheque. It consists of three groups of numbers, including the bank routing number, the customer's account number, and the cheque number.
Where would I find my transaction limits?
Transaction limits can be viewed in App while conducting the deposit. These limits may change from time to time without prior notice to you.
How long does it take before my funds are shown on my account?
Cheques deposited after business hours or on non-business days, will be processed on the next business day.
Deposits made after the applicable cut-off time for the country in which the Account is operated will have a transaction date of the next Business Day. Cut-off times for the different countries in which we operate can be found at Select your country and view the document titled 'Cut-off Times for Submission of Funds Transfer Requests'
Funds will be credited to your account after our receipt of the images of the front and back of the cheque but availability and access to the funds will be subject to CIBC Caribbean Bank’s internal policy and procedure for holding and for your access to funds limit.
How many cheques can I deposit in one transaction?
Only one cheque can be deposited per transaction using mDeposit. Once that transaction is completed, you will be prompted to either return to the Home screen or deposit another cheque.
Can I deposit an international cheque?
No. Only cheques in local currency can be deposited using mDeposit.
Can I deposit a cheque that is signed over to me?
No. This is known as a Third Party cheque, and Third party cheques can not be deposited using mDeposit. The name on the front cheque must be the holder of the account on which the funds will be deposited.
What should I do with my physical cheque after my funds are deposited?
Following a successful cheque deposit, you should retain the physical cheque for at least 90 calendar days from the date of deposit and destroy it within 120 calendar days of deposit. Keep the physical cheque in a secure location. You may be required to promptly provide the physical cheque to CIBC Caribbean on request.
When disposing of the physical cheque, shred or cut the cheque(s) into smaller pieces. Ensure that you specifically cut through the name, account number and signature on the cheque(s).
How old can a cheque be to deposit it using mDeposit?
Cheques older than 6 months cannot be deposited using mDeposit.
Are there any fees associated with using mDeposit?
No fees are charged to CIBC Caribbean clients who use the mDeposit service.
Can I share my cheque image?
Once you log on to our Online Banking service or Mobile App, CIBC Caribbean clients can view and download cheque images. Downloaded cheque images can be saved and shared, ONLY if necessary. Clients can also file the cheque image or use these digital cheque images as a transaction reference.
*Digital cheque images cannot be re-deposited or cashed at any bank.
Who can I contact for help if my cheque cannot be deposited using mDeposit?
For assistance, please visit your branch. You may also contact our Customer Care at 1-866-743-2257.
If sending an email, please provide us with your full name, telephone number (area code included), country, e-mail address and details of your issue.
What should I do if I receive an error message when depositing my cheque?
Before attempting the transaction again, please check the status of your deposit.
Simply select “mDeposit’ then “Deposit history”.
If the transaction is noted as “Failed”, please try depositing the funds again. Should you receive a second failed attempt, please contact us at 1-866-743-2257.
Does CIBC Caribbean have routing numbers, IBAN, ABA or BIC codes?
At CIBC Caribbean we don’t use IBAN, ABA, BIC codes or routing numbers. We only use Swift Codes. Please see the details from Question 1 for the relevant swift code.
What information is needed to receive an international wire transfer?
Wire Transfer Instructions per territory can be linked on the page for Offshore and Regular wires
Client must scroll down to select their country and select the document to view.
What is the estimated time for completion of Urgent (RTGS), Instant and Standard transfers?
- Local Transfers
- Standard – 1-3 days
- Urgent – 1 business day
- Instant – 3 minutes
- Local Transfers
What are the fees for different transfer options?
Client must select their country to view the schedule of charges
What is the difference between 1st Send and Standard wire transfers?
1st Send or MasterCard Send is a low cost alternative to sending payments overseas via Swift. This transfer option should be used for Person to Person and not to companies.
Customers can send up 10k per transaction via Online Banking to any of the following select countries: Belgium/France/Germany/Italy/Netherlands/Spain/UK/USA.
Standard wire transfers are swift transfers which can be sent to any country and usually takes 3 to 5 business days to be received.
What are my next steps if wire transfer has not been received? Incoming and Outgoing
Kindly reach out to us via our toll-free number 1 866 743 2257, or via live chat to have your wire investigated, if not received during the estimated delivery timeframe. Please note the times for transfers to be received above.
What is the application process for foreign exchange increase or approval using Central Bank portal ?
Clients need to use the Central Bank website to apply for foreign exchange increases and approval.
Where should I send supplemental information for Bahamas wire releases?
Kindly reach out to us via our toll-free number 1 866 743 2257, or via live chat to provide the documentation to be forwarded to the specific branch.
How to complete a tracer or recall for a wire?
Kindly visit your local branch to have a tracer or recall completed. Overseas clients will need to contact us via our toll-free number 1 866 743 2257, or via live chat for us to forward the request to the branch.
What is 1st Send?
1st Send is CIBC Caribbean’s new international money transfer service that allows clients to send funds to individuals in 7 countries. It is lower-cost alternative to our standard international wire transfer service.
Why should I use 1st Send?
You should use 1st Send because it is fast, secure and affordable. But there’s more! Here are 5 reasons why you should use first send: a. You save time: Send money quickly and securely with just a few clicks, directly from your account. b. You know the full cost: You see the foreign exchange rate and all charges up front, with no hidden fees. Your recipient gets it all: Your beneficiary receives the full amount sent, with no additional fees to pay. d. You stay in control: You can track the status of your transfer online, from origination to delivery.
How much funds can I transfer via 1st Send?
You can transfer up to US $10,000 or local equivalent in a 24-hour period. You may send up to US $25,000 in a 30 day period.
Where can I use 1st Send to transfer funds to?
Using 1st Send, you can send funds to individuals in the UK, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Spain.
Who can I send funds to?
1st Send can be used to send funds to individuals you have set up as recipients in Online Banking.
Can I send money to a business or organisation?
No. 1st Send is a person-to-person international money transfer service that allows clients to send funds to individuals in 6 countries.
Where will the funds I send be deposited?
Funds transferred using 1st Send will be lodged in the recipient’s designated bank account.
What banking data do I need to set up a recipient?
To set up a recipient, you will need the following information
- Payee Name
- Nationality
- Country of Residence
- Full Address
- Name and Address of Recipient Bank
- Country specific information required:
- Canada: Bank, Swift Code or Canadian Transit Number
- European Countries: Bank, Swift Code or IBAN
- Other Countries: Bank or Swift Code
Where can I find 1st Send?
Personal Banking Clients can find 1st Send on CIBC Caribbean’s Online Banking Platform and Mobile App. 1stSend is not a service that can be accessed over-the-counter in-branch.
What are the fees associated with 1st Send?
1st Send will offer clients a more affordable way to send funds to the seven (7) recipient destinations For a limited time, send any amount up to US $500 and pay only US $17 or less in fees. And if you need to send more than US $500, you'll enjoy a 15% saving compared to the cost of a regular wire transfer.
Will clients know the fees before completing the money transfer?
Yes. Fees are quoted to clients before the funds are sent. This way, clients will know the total cost of the 1st Send transfer.
Will the beneficiary have to pay any fees?
No. You are quoted all fees prior to completing the initiation process and therefore you agree to pay all fees when you hits send.
Will 1st Send be available to all CIBC Caribbean clients across the region?
1st Send is available to personal banking clients in CIBC Caribbean’s 10 territories.
Will standard exchange rates be used?
Yes, the prevailing exchange rate on the date the fund transfer is initiated will be the rate the client pays. This rate is shown to the client prior to completion of the fund transfer request. Daily exchange rates can be found at
Are there any exchange controls applied to funds transferred via 1st Send?
Most of our territories will allow you to transfer funds overseas using 1st Send’s criteria only. A couple of our markets have further Central Bank exchange controls in place. In these markets, specific procedures need to be followed. These procedures are detailed below:
CIBC Caribbean has discontinued its in-branch wire service for personal banking clients. This facility will now only be available using our Mobile App or Online Banking service. Using these options, clients can transfer funds between their accounts, to other CIBC Caribbean clients’ accounts, to accounts at other financial institutions and across borders.
The Central Bank of Barbados requires clients sending money overseas to complete an Application to Purchase Foreign Currency. This application is available from the Central Bank of Barbados website Follow these steps to complete the application:
For more information on this update, please speak with your Branch or Relationship Manager or contact us at our Customer Care and Contact Centre at 1-866-743-2257.
CIBC Caribbean has discontinued its in branch wire service for personal banking clients. This facility will now only be available using our Mobile App or Online Banking service. Using these options, clients can transfer funds between their accounts, to other CIBC Caribbean clients’ accounts, to accounts at other financial institutions and across borders.
The Central Bank of The Bahamas requires clients sending money overseas to provide documentary evidence outlining the purpose of the transfer (e.g. tuition invoice or vendor invoice). This information may be submitted via email to your branch manager, customer service manager or assistant customer service manager or it may be taken to any branch of CIBC Caribbean.
For exchange control notes and guidelines log on to
For more information on this update, please speak with your Branch or Relationship Manager or contact us at our Customer Care and Contact Centre at 1-866-743-2257.
- Log on to
- Click on ‘Foreign Exchange’
- Click ‘Exchange Control Forms’
- Click ‘FC Form - Application to purchase foreign currency (Not For Imports)’
- Print and complete the form 6. Take the completed form to any branch of CIBC Caribbean for notarisation.
How will I know if the beneficiary has received the funds I sent?
You can check the history tab in the “Transfer” section of Online Banking, for the status of your 1stSend international money transfer.
The statuses are:
• Pending – This means the transfer is in progress;
• Successful – this indicates that the funds have successfully been sent and will be delivered to the recipient’s account within 48 hours.
Who should I call if the beneficiary does not receive the funds I transferred using 1st Send?
Clients who have any queries may call our Customer Care and Sales Centre at 1-866-743-2257. Clients may also call their relationship managers.