Hedge Funds & Funds of Funds

Hedge Funds & Fund of Funds

The hedge fund industry has never been more competitive, and the demands placed on fund managers have never been higher. The high expectations of regulators and investors mean that selecting the right service provider partners is crucial. CIBC Fund Services has developed specialised experience delivering comprehensive operational solutions to hedge fund, managed account and fund of fund managers. We can support stand-alone, master/feeder, and multi-domiciliary structures, with multi-class or series - thus allowing fund managers to concentrate on their core competency.   Our turn-key offering provide the administrative, reporting, compliance and regulatory infrastructure needed to ensure the successful continuation of the Fund.


Our Services

Fund Formation

  • Assistance with fund set-up
  • Review of fund document

Accounting & Administration

  • Maintenance of full accounting and portfolio valuation records
  • Daily, weekly and monthly NAV reporting
  • Management, performance and incentive fees calculation
  • External audit support and financial statement preparation

Investor Services

  • Maintenance of share/partners/trust registers
  • Subscriptions, redemptions and transfer orders processing
  • “Know-Your-Customer” (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) services
  • FATCA / Common Reporting Standards (CRS) & related services

Cash Management

  • Provision of bank accounts for the fund
  • Global Custody Services
  • Processing of cash receipts and payments 

Ancilliary Services

  • Independent Trustee services for Cayman unit trusts
  • Global Custody
  • Principal and Registered Office services

Fund Formation

  • Assistance with fund set-up
  • Review of fund document

Cash Management

  • Provision of bank accounts for the fund
  • Global Custody Services
  • Processing of cash receipts and payments

Ancillary Services

  • Independent Trustee services for Cayman unit trusts
  • Global Custody
  • Principal and Registered Office services

Accounting and Administration

  • Maintenance of full accounting and portfolio valuation records
  • Daily, weekly and monthly NAV reporting
  • Management, performance and incentive fees calculation
  • External audit support and financial statement preparation

Investor Services

  • Maintenance of share/partners/trust registers
  • Subscriptions, redemptions and transfer orders processing
  • “Know-Your-Customer” (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) services
  • FATCA / Common Reporting Standards (CRS) & related services

To learn more, contact us:


The Bahamas & The Cayman Islands   Hong Kong    
Jennifer Fischetti   Andrew Mascall-Robson   Shirley Yuen


Managing Director Fund Services

FirstCaribbean International Bank and Trust Company (Cayman) Limited



T: 345 914-9361    

E: Jennifer.fischetti@cibcfcib.com        










Executive Director and Head, 

CIBC Fund Administrative Services (Asia) Limited 




T: 852 2841-6271

E: andrew.mascall-robson@cibcfcib.com









Executive Director and Regional Head of Client Management, 

CIBC Fund Administrative Services (Asia) Limited



T: 852 2841-6270

E: shirley.yeun@cibcfcib.com









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